Do's and Don'ts for a Young Padawan
An assortment of some important "Do's and Don'ts" for Young Padawans, right here at your finger tips. If you want some of the best tips and tricks a galaxy can offer a padawan learner, this is the blog to read!

- From : Aquina Harathenson

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Jayce Syron

Jayce Syron I know I don't have experience with pestering masters, but this is a good list nevertheless! I need to get more porgs. My little Angel isn't going to be able to be a distraction by herself.

Nikolas Tungsten

Nikolas Tungsten That porg trick is actually...rather masterful. Perhaps I need to invest in a porg now.

Tessa Alloine

Tessa Alloine Wait - do you mean that time you said you had to go because your Grandmother was choking on some fried Nundu legs and needed assistance was just a TRICK?!

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