Harrison Ford was cast as Han Solo as an accident!
Well. I mean, he did a great job...
Theatres refused to show the movie, in fact under 40 theatres booked the movie.
I guess many tv theatres regret that.
It took 7 puppeteers to control Jabba the Hutt.
Love to Jabba the Hutt!
Naboo wasn't originally named Naboo. (Utapau)
I can’t even pronounce that. Send help.
Only two actors starred in the 7 movies
Wait who..?
In Brazil, they had to change Count Dooku's name since Dooku means... Don’t google it.
Actually, I encourage you to google it. ;)
None of the actors wore underwear cause: “That doesn’t exist in outer space!”
I mean. Realism is important...
Much Love,
Roseanne Bianchi