galactic memes

Hello and welcome to this weeks edition of Galactic Memes, where we look at the weird and funny side of Star Wars.
So without further ado, let's get started:

fdb57226b85bc31d77a1e977cb0c11ce.jpgThis was also the moment Obi-Wan realised he could no longer be so sassy.

C8z_T0NXcAAj_as.jpgPoor Anakin. As if losing Padme and having his kids taken away from him wasn't enough.

may-the-4th-star-wars-day-7.jpgWell, when you need to let one go, you need to let one go.

980x.jpgCue the elevator music.

21xpt5.jpgGood point Poe

That's all for now :) Til next time folks.


