The Stories of Love & BeyondThe Valentine's day edition

It's been quite some time since we last met. And I know that it's totally my fault. I know that I need to work on my time-management skills. However, today; is a special day for our coupled (and non-coupled people; such as myself, I like to believe.) However, today as many call it; Valentine's day came; that of 14th of February. Valentine's day marks as a day of displaying love out to your beloved, your family, your friends, your cute pet and even your celebrity Crush. This Galaxy wouldn't stay behind with the same now; would it? So, here, I; Sahira "Lovely Tour Guide" Ashfiq bring in Valentine's special Blog for our dear Galaxies. Tell me, my lovely, do you dare to read ahead; of course you do!

The Galaxy's in Love

Today on this lovely day; let's talk about love, not war. Yes, dear opposing Factions; I am talking to you too. So, love is a strange force; it makes you fight, it makes you crazy. Rather it be the daring and fierce love of Artemis Tauri and Adaya Deveraux (with me included in, sometimes!) or the sweet and cherishable married life of Aeris Tye and Katie Tye; or rather even the mysterious love of Arrikzane Djenn and Steela Jackman; ranging froma a lot of stories; to passion, rage, jealously, betrayal to love, harmony, children. Everyone has someone to love. Now, that love isn't only limited to a couple. It's your family, friends, your pet, your accomplice-in-crime or even your celebrity crush. For one thing I know, love is love; Amour, Philia or whatever form it maybe in. Like Tessa Allione's love for Justice, or Malic Wyles love for terror.... I meant, Hutt Cartel! Love is invincible.

Love Story Spotlight

However, today... we even have a mesmerizing love-story to spot-light. You know these two very well... one remains a beautiful Galactic Republican, and another a Jedi. Perfect for a love of wonders.

Mia Stadela & Acko Ren

A love story just like Padme Amidala and Anakin Skywalker's. A love story as beautiful and as gracious as that of the sun and the moon. The story of young love. The beauty and the pain. Now, for all we would hope that this love doesn't fade. May Hope guarantee them what they deserve.


Did you see the Senate's, the Transmitters' and the Masters' walls?

Before we come to the ending of this wonderful blog; I would like to give Ginive Trout a very big shout-out for their wonderful work on this Valentine's day. Tell me, did you check out the walls of the Senate, the transmitters or even the Masters' walls? If you haven't then go for it! Trust me, you might have the romance of your life ;) Also make sure to thank the Chief Transmitter for their wonderful work to make everyone's Valentine's day special. Did you check out their Valentine day's article? If you haven't go for it!

With Galactical Love Regards,

Sahira Fathima Ashfiq

coded by Issie