World of Galaxies is HIRING!

Do you like all of those colorful names you see around? Well check out the jobs we have available, and see what YOU can bring to the table!

Check often, as this blog will be updated as jobs are taken, opened, and switch around!


The Senator of Tourism monitors and controls the incoming visa's and immigration from around the Galaxy - sometimes so far out of the known Galaxy that they monitor and care for all of the Media that goes out and in of our site. They have a team of Navigators who take the time to move people around the Galaxy and make sure that everyone sees the best of the Galaxy. Though...contolling our Galactical borders...well, they often work hand-in-hand with the smugglers, and get a kick-back from it! (Currently being subbed by Arrikzane Djenn, Tessa Alloine, and Xavier Lancaster - applications for a full-time Senator is available!)

The Senator of Galactic Security tends to our Galaxy and keeps the peace, and makes sure that everyone can get along, with their team of Guardians. The Leader of this team knows all the rules and guidelines of this Galaxy, so if you ever have a question about topics, or if you are unsure about policy, they are the right Senator to approach. In this galaxy of blasters and miscreants, having this person on your side is the best option! (Currently being subbed by Adaya Devereux - applications for a full-time Senator is available!)

There is one thing our Galaxy has a lot of - History! With so many different planets, and a vast Galaxy, it is important that we remember the history that binds us together and, sadly the many wars that have sometimes torn us apart. If you forget the past, you are likely to repeat it. This Master will help us to bridge that gap and keep us together in unity. Won't they?

Our galaxy has a lot of different cultures and societies in it, and it can be a little difficult to figure out exactly what is happening around the galaxy and it's different people. This Master is the - well, a master of the differences, and is happy to share in their course.

It's kind of hard getting anywhere in our galaxy without a working ship of some kind - and if your ship doesn't work...well you had hope you know how to repair it! This Master should be able to prepare you, and send you on your way - ready for anything that could occure...including that inevitable driod rebellion. (Class is currently being Subbed by Master Eleia Shay - applications for a full-time Master are available!)

One thing our Galaxy is full of is creatures! Small, large, and strange! Some are also cuddly and easy (ish) to care for, and some are...well, they are likely to take your arms off! So, taking this class and learning the difference may mean the difference in your survival in our wild and different Galaxy! Are you just the right Master to know all of them? (Class is currently being Subbed by Senator Jayce Syron - applications for a full-time Master are available!)

Jetting around the Galaxy is not only fun for many - but necessary! Not everyone can afford to pay their away throught the shuttle system, or even the...Hutt system. But learning to pilot your own ship - well, that is a skill that gains you freedom that rewards you - well, the Galaxy! (Class is currently being Subbed by Master Errol Septimus - applications for a full-time Master are available!)

The Galaxy is not truly a 'safe' place, and survival is key! This class will make sure you know how to master even the worst disaster, and most barren planet! (Class is currently being Subbed by Master Nikolas Tungsten - applications for a full-time Master are available!)


Assisting the many Masters across the Academy, these are strong in reading, procedure, and holowork! If there are assignements to be handeled these are the people to turn to! Currently available are: Character Quests, Diplomacy, Intergalactic Cooking, Mechanics, Medical Training, Mind Studies, Piloting, and Strategizing

The Guardians of the Galaxy are there to keep the peace, and check out the various places around the galaxy for regulations being properly followed. They know so much about the galaxy, and I wouldn't get into a debate about proper procedure with a Guardian!

The Galactic Propaganda brings their own version of Galactic news, and our Holojournalists scour through the Galaxy (and their imagination) for truth! Maybe. (The Gungan Times is currently not hiring.)

Operatives are a secerative group. They act as the 'spies' of the Galaxy. They go undercover often, and you never know if your neighbor might work in league with the Operetive team...Of course we all know that they make sure that all events, parties, and overarching plots on World of Galaxies goes according to plan!

Navigators take part in bringing Social Media interest to the site! As licensed pilots and tour guides, with always renewed visa's could they be transporting things across the galaxy - duty-free?

Archivists create, write and edit the always expanding Holocron Hall! How much do we believe that the very secretive Holocron Hall doesn't keep secrets from the rest of the Galaxy...perhaps you could find out!

The Scanners spend a lot of time reading and checking through profiles and backstories - even you think that is fun, you should like to join the ranks of Scanners! As the team that knows and keeps all the permenant records around the Galaxy...perhaps it would be good to stay in their good graces. Right?

Artists are just that! They have creativity in their heart, and seek beautiful items and art across the site. With their creativity, perhaps they have their fingers in many pies. Was is possible that the Artists used their art to cover up underground dealing? You find out!

Visit the clubs, or Holo the Leader of Team for more information about how to apply for a job.
Uncle Arrikzane wants you!

Code by missliteracy