Written by:
Aquina Harathenson
Hello there, dear reader, and welcome to
Porg Perils.
Now, understandably, you might be very confused as to what is going on here. To that, I say, never fear. I would tell you what is going on and all that jazz, but it quite literally isn’t my story to tell. I shall leave that to a dear friend of mine, Porgie, a very curious and daring little creature.. He has quite the story to tell, and fate may have you decide the outcome of our little friend here. Why don't you take a listen to a transmission I recieved from him?
Incoming Transmission
Porgie's Transportation Turmoil
(porg chirps, squawks, screeches are translated by me)
You will not believe what happened and is happening right now! *rather loud porg noises* So there I was, determined to get my sardines!! From what you (my dear friends) and the woman who translates this said, I went with this thing called “Option 2.”
So I shuffled straight through the front door. I found this tall person and followed in their shadow until I reached the safety of under a table. To clear the coast of any witnesses, I kicked some stale bread into a corner, which distracted people from my mission. However, the moment I got the sardine in my mouth, someone noticed me! I got so scared that I threw myself into the nearest plate of food I could see. I’m pretty sure people would think I was a part of the meal!!
However… the nearest plate of food was being eaten off by a customer… she wasn’t so happy to see a porg land directly on her plate of waffles. She screamed, and I accidentally flicked a whole cup of some type of sweet syrup on her as I took frantic flight out of that diner!
That leads you to where I am now! You see, the chef got really mad at me for stealing the sardine AND for disrupting the peace, so he’s chasing me! I need a way to get out of this situation! Maybe you can help me out again? *porg screech*
1. Fly into the lower levels of Coruscant to get the chef off my tale
2. Fly into the speeder/starship lanes of traffic to lose the chef
3. Fly into the nearest open window and hide out there for a bit
Someone help me out here! Which plan will work??
End of Transmission
Aquina here! Phew, it sounds like Porgie is in a tight spot. We should definitely help him out. But what one is the best? In the comments, tell me what option you think Porgie should do. Stay tuned for the next transmission to see what happened to Porgie and to see what new adventures he’s up to! See you next time!