"The Mandalorian Dance Party"
Written by: Aquina Harathenson
Blog No.5


As the resident Senator of Tourism, I hear quite a few interesting tales while passing through my department. You know, all things related to travel and what places are the best to stay at. Well, you won’t believe what I heard most recently: somewhere out in the galaxy, a “Mandalorian” dance party was being hosted.


Now, if there’s one thing about me, it’s that I love a good party, especially a dance party. Although I may not always have my dancing shoes with me, I can never turn an invite down. So with my excitement within me, I practically ran to my ship, frantically telling my most handy assassin (he’s really quite harmless… to me, at least) droid, Bubbles, that we had to hurry! Perhaps since he is a droid, he wasn’t jumping for joy at the sound of a “Mandalorian” dance party. I guess he doesn’t like dancing.


After a little bit of arguing and a lot of convincing that a “Mandalorian” dance party is worth it, I finally was able to set out on my journey. The first place I would look for a “Mandalorian” dance party would be the homeworld of the “Mandalorians”— Mandalore. However, Bubbles told me otherwise. From the information he gathered, he told me the only information he could gather regarding a “Mandalorian” dance party was from Bespin. And so we set off for the city in the clouds!


I never knew droids had a fear of heights, let alone my harmless assassin droid! Although our walk from the platform to the main buildings of Cloud City was relatively short, Bubbles was having none of it. I tried my best to ignore him, but I’m quite sure he told me that the “Mandalorian” dance party was not worth being up so high in the sky. I tried my best to assure my little droid friend by telling him that he was more than welcome to join me on the dance floor. He gave me a very sharp whistle, and so I slunk away in begrudging defeat.


Upon arriving at a large dinning hall with a sign stuck to the front door, reading “Mandalorian” Dance Party Here, I knew with glee that I had found what I was looking for. At last, I had found where the party was! So with joy I entered the room to be greeted with the sparkles of a giant disco ball as well as a myriad of colored lights! There was a large group of people on the dance floor and enjoyed a variety of refreshments off to the side! (Bubbles was grumpy and didn’t join me, sadly.)


As much fun as I was having on the dance floor, I knew there was something left for me to uncover. Sure enough, I discovered the secret.This “Mandalorian” Dance Party was given it’s special title, not just because of the mandalorians also attending the party. I was told by one of the casual party attendees that the giant disco ball I had noticed when I first entered was in fact made of Beskar— the very first of its type! Apparently, someone in the crowd was looking for another use of beskar aside from the weaponry category of things!


Quite curious, don’t you think? Now, personally, I’d love to have a beskar disco ball at one of my secret parties (don’t tell anyone, but there’s always a good sabacc game going)!


Perhaps you’d like to swing by this “Mandalorian” Dance Party for a fun time, as well as a glimpse at the one of a kind beskar disco balls!



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