How does one person connect with so many people and planets across the Galaxy? Letters, of course! Well, it's worth a try, anyway.
It came to my attention that I could do more to connect with the people in the Galaxy than only visit. Visiting is so important, but if I could answer holos and send them, then I could reach twice the number of people!
So today, I decided to look at the first holo, with all of you.
Let me just see if I can figure out how to play this thing . . .
Ah, there it is- 'Play transmission' -
"Hello? Hello, is this thing on? Hi, there. I am Norrie and I live on Naboo and I wondered why everything that's going on in the Galaxy seems like a drama! Like some kind of space opera. Definition of - oh, definitions are what we are studying in academy right now - 'Space opera' definiton means something grand and melodramatic and like a battle! Just like when that Senator of Holocrons was wrestling the giant beetle and there have been all those battles and your own Governmental planet has blown up 100 times and if that's not the 'Space Opera' definition, I don't know what is. Except you need music."
Oh dear. Well FIRST of all Alderaan has only been blown up THREE times, not one hundred! And beetle wrangling is a class, not a fight! And . . what are we even discussing? Wherever there are people, there is some tension, that's all. We work out our difficulties. Perhaps the next holo will be a bit more practical.
"Yeah, listen, I wondered if you could speak to us in song, ONLY. I think it would make your speeches much easier to listen to. I am friends with Norrie and we both decided to send you holos and I think the best way to make a clear, Space Opera definition that everyone could understand would be to sing all the time. Then it
would be a LITERAL Space Opera - definition solved!"
WHAT?! Sing? For the love of - I mean, Thank you Norrie and . . Norrie's friend for your input. I agree, that If I sang . . everything, it would indeed be quite interesting. But not, I think, something that would be good for the wellbeing of the Galaxy.
No Space Opera definiton is necessary. No drama is necessary.
Perhaps these holos were a bad idea. I will try one more.
Oh dear! That was Shyriiwook. Let me adjust this and turn on the translator. Here we go.
"Hello! I am embarking on my life's work and I know that you, Supreme Chancellor Alloine, share a common passion with many of us for helping the less fortunate and those with dreams. MY dream is to begin the first Wookie Nudist colony. I have begun by shaving -"
WHOOP. I am just going to stop the holo right there! I think . . perhaps these should be sorted before reading them in a public way. Maybe we'll try again later. Thank you, Friend Wookie, for your belief in me and it IS good to pursue your dreams . .even if they are a bit . . breezy.
I think I'll end this for now.
Who knows what else may be uncovered in the nooks and crannies of the Galaxy? Whether it is something uncovered in the Holocron Hall, Brought to light by the Scanners or Discovered on a small planet in the Outer Rim, it shall be brought before you to learn about, discuss or react to!
Together, we shall find these Secrets of the Galaxy!