Hearing about something alarming is not enough! Sometimes you simply must DO something about it, even when it seems nearly impossible.
That was something my Adoptive Mother, Mimi, always drummed into me. When I was new to her farm and she discovered that I had planted all the vegetables upside down by accident, she didn't become enraged and send me away immediately.
No, she made me replant half of it and then poke holes around the other half, in case they grew in unexpected ways and surprised us all!
They didn't and it was a good think I replanted half of that crop, but you see what I mean.
When I read Senator Aquina's last article on our missing history, I was most alarmed! And if we consider our own history as this so-called Star Wars (ugh, I am still not sure of that name) Prequel thing, I began to consider the ramifications of our own Star Wars Sequels!
I mean, the future, of course.
First, I looked into the past. (sounds counter-intuitive, I know) I found an amazing thing! A tool called the Oracle - used by those sensitive to the Force to gain insight into things they needed to know - possibly the future! I wondered if it had the answers we needed to see into our Star Wars Sequels!
Sadly, it was destroyed long ago, but I wondered if it anything to say back then that was pertinant.
I had Dr8ke get right on it.
I thought the missing history, the 'Prequels' might have been hidden or stored in the Star Wars Sequels - er, our future! Where else? We'd never look there!
After all, the past cannot simply be erased. Only our memories can. And if the past is gone, can a Sequel . . a Star Wars Sequel in our case, even exists at all?
My head began to hurt at this point in my line of thought.
I applied to a friend of mine for his opinion on the subject. After I finally was able to make him understand what I was talking about, he said that calling it a 'Star Wars Sequel' was weird and confusing and that I should leave time travel alone. It only made things worse.
I shall continue my research on the Oracle, though. I still think it may have something worthwhile to say. What about you? Do you think our past could be hidden in our future? Where would YOU hide missing history? Is the past more important or is the future? Does not our past mold us, even if we change who we are? Don't we learn from our mistakes? But don't we need a vision, a goal, a future to aim towards and reach for? There is so much to consider here. And I am very concerned about who could be behind this. We shall have to send an investigation after them.
Do you prefer a Star Wars Sequel or its Prequel?
Actually, he's right. My head is spinning and I think I WILL lay down!
Who knows what else may be uncovered in the nooks and crannies of the Galaxy? Whether it is something uncovered in the Holocron Hall, Brought to light by the Scanners or Discovered on a small planet in the Outer Rim, it shall be brought before you to learn about, discuss or react to!
Together, we shall find these Secrets of the Galaxy!