"A Trandoshan’s Guide to Hide and Seek"
Written by: Aquina Harathenson
Blog No.21

Hide and seek is, in my opinion, one of the most important, life saving skills a person could ever learn, especially in certain parts of the galaxy. Perhaps, your work field requires a lot of hiding (from the government, cartels, a flock of angry porgs??) or your work somehow involves a lot of seeking. Whatever your field of work requires, I was recently able to pick up quite a few useful tips from a Trandoshan who happened to be passing by my office.

A Piece of Advice for a Hider: don’t choose the obvious hiding spot. It’s simple enough, right? Under the table? A very quick, immediate no. Behind the door? Good try, but not good enough. Under that winter jacket tossed at the bottom of an already cluttered closet? My good Trandoshan friend seemed to perk up at this. Naturally, I had to inquire why. The Trandoshan explained that this hiding spot would help one blend in. If you were to be standing in the closet, it might be painfully obvious. However, if you use your surrounds to blend in, you almost instantly have an advantage. In a rather cluttered closet, a lump of a coat at the bottom doesn’t look that out of place. In fact, it may seem normal, which leaves you to hide for all the longer without being caught within the first thirty seconds!

A Piece of Advice for a Seeker: move with stealth. My Trandoshan friend said one of the most common mistakes he had ever seen were the seekers being too noisy, whether by talking a bit too much or simply stomping around. For those who are hiding, I can understand why silence would be helpful, but for those who are seeking? Luckily, the Trandoshan was able to explain it more to me. In being rowdy, the seeker is alerting those who are hiding to where they [the seeker] is. This allows for the hiders to potentially move from their hiding spot to put all the more distance between the seeker and hider, ultimately making the seeker’s job all the harder. As my Trandoshan friend said, stealth is your friend.

A Piece of Advice for a Hider: Use your time waiting in your hiding spot to plan ahead. Sometimes when hiding, you have some down time of just waiting. Rather than use this time to simply let idle thoughts take over, use the time to plan your next move. Where is your next hiding spot? What do you do if you get caught? Plan first, act next. Use moments of peace while hiding to plan.

With all this advice that the lovely Trandoshan gave me, I felt ready to take on any hide and seek game thrown my way. After all, it seemed that my friend knew exactly what he was talking about. These will be tips that I will be using during my next meeting mission. Maybe you will do the same? Hopefully your hiding/seeking skills get only the better!


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