"A Togruta's Vision"
Written by: Tessa Alloine

Blog No.22


Sometimes the best help comes from the most unexpected sources.


My eyesight has never been very good. I have heard of crystal clear vision, but my memory is filled with soft edges and blurry figures. 

I was so used to it, I didn't even think about it very much. But in these later years, it has declined - a lot. 


People often remind me that our technology labs are top of the line and they make the most incredible prosthestics these days. They could remove my eyes and replace them with eyes of any color I want. 


They could even give me eyes that act like telephoto lenses, allowing me to see things far away, or zoom in ultra close. I could get night vision, or eyes with lasers in them! 

It is hard for me to explain to them that I do not WANT these. It's even hard to explain to myself why I'd rather go blind than have robotic eyes. (though I do not judge anyone for wanting it themselves) 


I have been seeking an alternative help. Yesterday, that help arrived in the form of a Togruta Vision Trainer. While familiar with the Togruta people, I had never met one for more than a few minutes or in a formal meeting. She was quite imposing, exuding an air of confidence and power, though she was very quiet and gentle in her manner and voice. 


I had first heard of the Togruta Vision Trainers from a Merchant I met in my travels through the Mid-Rim. She mentioned that this one lady used some special skills to help those with vision problems and that she could send this Togruta expert to me. I agreed. 

As it turns out, the Togruta people use echolocation and this was the way my wonderful trainer proposed to help me. (She asked to remain anonymous) 


You may think - as I did - 'but Tessa, YOU are not a Togruta lady! You don't HAVE echolocation!' and you would be absolutely right. But the Trainer was able to begin teaching me techniques - on a smaller scale from her natural abilities, that may still assist me. 


So if you have any vision problems and aren't too keen on the prosethetics just yet - check with the Togruta! They have skills. 


Season 3 Star Wars GIF


Drum roll, please! We have our winner of last week's topic theme challenge!



Bogged Down by - Errol Septimus and Ashley Abbot

A quote from it: Cursing, he sloshed and nearly swam through wet mud to get out of the bog that he'd landed in, as he desperately tried to find some real land!

Our next theme of the week is:

Who knows what else may be uncovered in the nooks and crannies of the Galaxy? Whether it is something uncovered in the Holocron Hall, Brought to light by the Scanners or Discovered on a small planet in the Outer Rim, it shall be brought before you to learn about, discuss or react to!

Together, we shall find these Secrets of the Galaxy!