"Pizza for a Hutt"
Written by: Aquina Harathenson
Blog No.23

Diets vary considerably across the galaxy from each species to species. Even amongst the human species, we have our likings and dislikings. A food that truly stuck out to my most recently was food for those of the Hutt clans. Well, to be exact, the food of the Hutt species.


From the research I did from the data pads found in my office to taking the time to dine with a Hutt, I was given a brief look into the diet of such a creature. My latest travels landed me in the outer rim at the home of a Hutt, where I was invited to dinner. Quickly upon my arrival, dinner was set before me. It seemed that slime pods and paddy frogs were a favorite (just to clarify, they were NOT my favorite. From what I could eat, I found them quite… slimy.)


Perhaps it is just me, but I found the diet very uniquely suited for the Hutts. I will say that at first, I was in no rush to have a second course. Don’t blame me, slime pods are just… not my type of food. After the first course, I took a moment to slip out. I don’t think my host noticed my absence, probably due to the arrival of a plate of gorgs—another favorite food of the Hutts.


As I took a brief walk to ease my growing restlessness (I blame the slime pods), I came across another Hutt called Ello. I quickly learned that Ello is a chef for Hutts. After the more slippery meal I just had, I was more than happy to hear my new Hutt friend out rather than dig in right away. From what I was told, Ello is one of the top chefs for the Hutts, mainly due to his extraordinary pizza.


This pizza is a grand mixture of many things from all corners of the galaxy. In fact, the pizza itself is huge at roughly six feet in diameter. The crust itself was made from a special kind of flour only found on one of the smallest moons in the Outer Rim. This special flour gives the pizza a springy texture. Toppings wise, it varies considerably. Ello informed me some Hutts have even had roast porg on their pizza while others love a paddy frog pizza above all. From what Ello told me, the toppings combinations are nearly endless.


Thinly sliced nunca leg toppings seem to be quite popular amongst the Hutts. Ello even said one customer even had Jawa Juice poured generously on top. There has also been a very heated debate amongst the Hutts regarding whether variations of fruit should be used as toppings or not. Ello gave me a piece of this special pizza that was topped off with deep fried porg and blue milk. I think it’s safe to say that it was a unique combination, but not all that bad.


Perhaps this is your sign to be bold and try this new type of Hutt pizza that could very easily be the next greatest trend!


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