We all know the word “trendsetter,” but what about a “trend follower?” What if you took those two words quite literally and followed a trend to its origin place? I did just that, following the on the rise trend known as the Gungan Shuffle.
One of my favorite things about travel is the vast variety of culture you encounter from planet to planet. There is always something new to learn, as well as unique things to try out, such as clothing, food, or in this case, dance! My most recent adventure following this trend landed me on Naboo, one of my favorite places to visit throughout the entire galaxy!
I quickly asked the locals around for their thoughts on this Gungan Shuffle trend. I will admit that I was worried at first. It seemed that the locals I interviewed had no idea what the Gungan Shuffle even was, which made me question a lot of things. However, the more people I interviewed, the more people I found who knew about the Gungan Shuffle!
Now, you might be wondering yourself: Aquina… WHAT??! What even is the Gungan Shuffle? To that, I say: the Gungan Shuffle is a form of dance where one, well, shuffles! In this particular dance, there are no real clean gestures or movements. I asked someone demonstrating the Gungan Shuffle to me where they thought the title came from. This particular person believed it to come from one of the most famous Gungans of our history, Jar Jar Binks, who was a rather clumsy soul. I relate to him there quite a bit…
I tried the dance myself, and it really is quite easy to learn. A few turns, a swoop to the left, then the right! Within only a few minutes, I was practically a master. Before I knew it, I was dancing the Gungan Shuffle with a whole group of people! Honestly, one of my favorite experiences as a senator this year!
The simplicity of this dance has allowed its popularity to truly skyrocket. If one were to check the HoloNet, you’d discover that the Gungan Shuffle is trending! You’d also find a huge variety of videos with folks from all corners of the galaxy participating in this trend. I was astounded at how quickly the dance had spread. I was equally shocked to find how easy it is do it without even thinking!
Even while I was standing in line to get my dinner at a local food market, I found myself picking up the dance moves of the Gungan Shuffle. At this point, I can’t even help it! It’s so much fun. Perhaps this is your sign to jump in on the trend and get your dance shoes on (I know you have your dance shoes with you, Emperor…)!
That being said, go go participate in this trend! Bring together your family, your droids, your newest pet (Krayte dragon, anyone??), or maybe even your enemy to dance! Just keep on shuffling, and have fun moving!
Who knows what else may be uncovered in the nooks and crannies of the Galaxy? Whether it is something uncovered in the Holocron Hall, Brought to light by the Scanners or Discovered on a small planet in the Outer Rim, it shall be brought before you to learn about, discuss or react to!
Together, we shall find these Secrets of the Galaxy!