"The Force?"
Written by: Tessa Alloine

Blog No.26

Some things are so well known, so assumed, that in the end we realize that we never really knew what it was at all! Confused? Let me explain. 


'The Force' is something that is an integral part of the universe. It is all around and is used by many. But I have been fairly confused by trying to pinpoint exactly WHAT it is. The Emperor has agreed to assist me in using it, but in the meantime, I decided to ask the Public for their definitions on this vital and all encompassing element of our Galaxy. 


Here are some of the responses: 


"The Force? It's like a light. A golden light. But invisble. A bright, invisible, golden light that shines everywhere. Except where it's dark. Of course, it's there, too, but in a dark way. So like a bright, Golden, invisible, dark light. I think . . "


"How do you NOT know about The Force?! It's so obvious! So simple. Every schoolchild and resident of the most distant and far, far away, outer rim planet knows about The Force! It's so clear and easy to understand. I can explain it in a few simple words. Why, in mere moments, you'll feel foolish for not knowing on your own! EVERYONE knows about The Force! I know it, my neighbor knows it, her child knows it - it's so obvious!"  (I finally ended the conversation. It was too obvious for me to understand)


"Many people have the wrong idea about The Force. They think it's this great, amorphic thing. It's really a sentient being, without a physical form, that plays with us. It lets us THINK that we can manipulate it, when really, it's just a big, ominous joke! Never use it!"


"Aw, the Force is just a myth. It's really just a series of coincidences. A gust of wind at the right time, the power of suggestion, that sort of thing."


"I don't have the Force, myself, but I have incredibly big muscles! And I think that I SHOULD have the Force to add to my impressive strength. In fact, I have begun to CALL myself 'The Force!' Pretty catchy, huh?" 


"I'm just not sure about the Force. I like things that are gentle and the Force sounds so . . forceful! Better stay away." 


In the end, I could see that I had better do my own research and come to my own conclusion as the explanations I got were wildly varied and some seemed a bit - unreliable. Still, it is undeniably important and something that is a part of the lives of over half the Galaxy. As Supreme Chancellor, I must pay attention to it - and apparently, I actually use it regularly, although I didn't know that for a long time. I thought it was something else. 

I used it to help keep me from tripping as I walked, due to my poor eyesight. I could sense objects in the room. I didn't know what it was that helped me to sense these things. Imagine my surprise when I learned of the Force! I suppose, whatever else, we have much to be thankful for. 


episode 4 learn about the force GIF by Star Wars


There is no winner this week for the topic theme challenge, but that's alright! I am sure we'll have a winner this next week!

Our next theme of the week is:

Who knows what else may be uncovered in the nooks and crannies of the Galaxy? Whether it is something uncovered in the Holocron Hall, Brought to light by the Scanners or Discovered on a small planet in the Outer Rim, it shall be brought before you to learn about, discuss or react to!

Together, we shall find these Secrets of the Galaxy!