"The Acolyte Show"
Written by: Aquina Harathenson
Blog No.27

When my assistant rushed into my office, speaking of rumors of the “greatest show” taking the galaxy by storm, I just had to perk up slightly. I did a double take when I heard the full name: The Acolyte Show. Curious, right? Upon reading many headlines regarding this Acolyte show, I was mildly surprised to see how many citizens were recommending this show. Like any member of the tourism department, I just had to check it for myself (after all, I need to let folks know what’s best in town—or in this case, the whole galaxy!)


The Acolyte Show, as the name itself describes, is put on by a group of Acolytes from all corners of the galaxy. Coming from a wide variety of backgrounds, these Acolytes have compiled their talents to form one of the greatest shows ever! What type of show, you might ask. It is a survival show for only the toughest of the Acolytes! A group of contestants are dropped off at different planets in the galaxy with a few supplies and left to either band together for survival or try a solo run and see how it goes! I decided I had to watch this for myself, and let me tell you: all the excitement, drama, and sometimes even frightening moments can be found on this show! I was beginning to see why so many loved this show as well as the high ratings.


With many of the galaxy talking about the show, I just had to ask around for reviews! Let’s look at some people’s thoughts!


“IT. WAS. AWESOME. I was so glued to my couch while watching it, my family actually had to carry the couch out (with me on it) in order to get me to attend the annual family dinner! Still watched it during dinner, but IT WAS THE BEST. HEART STOPPING. COULD NOT PUT IT DOWN! 5/5 STARS!”


“The Acolyte Show is incredible! I mean, it was the best show to ever be made! It was so exciting, especially when some of the contestants were put in the mountain ranges of Tatootine! And the fight that broke out was so intense, I couldn’t take my eyes off the screen!”




“I need a part two of this!! Don’t leave me hanging!”


“I was on the edge of my seat when that one Acolyte decided to face off against that whole flock of angry porgs! I’ve never been so invested in my life!! And that cliff hanger? That should have been criminal, to make me wait a whole week before I could find out if the Acolyte’s plan worked! I need more of this! More, more, more!”


Just from the few reviews I saw, I could tell that viewers were enjoying this show a lot! In fact, it seemed to be the only thing people were talking about! After finishing all the episodes of the Acolyte Show, I found myself wishing for another season! Perhaps after you watch it yourself, you will think the same!


YARN | His name is Grogu. | The Mandalorian () - S03E01 Chapter 17: The  Apostate | Video gifs by quotes | 8c3d1f02 | 紗

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