"Death Star Reborn?
Written by: Tessa Alloine

Blog No.32

Have you ever wondered what it would have been like to have seen the massive Death Star Space Station with your own eyes? But Safely? You may have your chance!


After getting some unusually large supply requests from the Piloting training department, I reached out to Master Errol to find out what was going on. I will relay some our conversation here. 


Me: "Excuse me, did you say that you are re-building the DEATH STAR? Are you mad, or did the holo transmitter cut out for a moment?"


Errol: "Neither. I'm not re-building the Death Star, Chancellor, that would take WAY more time than I have any patience for."


Me: "Thank goodness. Not to mention we don't have the funding for such an enterprise. Besides, why would anyone do that? So what are you doing?" 


Errol: "I am constructing a simulation of the famed Death Star for my students. (Or anyone else who wishes to give it a go, for a very reasonable fee!)" 


Me: "You're what? Explain."


Errol: "Well, you see, I have had great success in my Piloting classes using . . er. . holograms to . . help with visual aids and . .such . .you know, simulations, letting the newer pilots in training have a go at flying ships in a safe fashion until they're ready for the real deal as it were, and then I thought - THIS is a great idea! Take that concept and re-create the incredible flight and space battle that caused the destruction of the infamous Death Star! They each get a simulator ship, and have to fly, avoiding the enemy ships, make it to the narrow strip and shoot their blasters right into the pipe in order to complete their mission! It will be a test of skill, maintaining their cool under pressure and teamwork."


Me: I see. I suppose that does make sense, but I also would think you could get all that without the re-imagined Death Star. Still, it would tie it all together. Wait - did you say that you were going to CHARGE people for this?"


Errol: "Only if they weren't a part of the class."


Me: "If they aren't a part fo the class, they shouldn't be there."


Errol: "But -"

Me: "No."


There followed quite a bit of cajoling and whining, but I won't bore you with all of that. The main point is that Master Errol Septimus will be getting his simulation. It sounds like an excellent idea, as a whole. At least I think so, but I'm not a pilot, being subject to a rather unfortunate amount of airsickness and fear of heights. What do you all think? Would you enjoy a simulation of that nature? 


It did bother me a slight bit that Master Errol couldn't seem to name the types of ships that would be in the simulation, but perhaps he was just a bit excited. In any case, be sure to visit the Piloting classes. I doubt the simulation will be up in the formal classes yet, but other simulations will be - and also actual flight missions. For the simulation of the Death Star, send Master Errol a holo and he will arrange it. 
If he tries to charge you anything - refuse. 



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