"Endor Star Wars Re-enactment"
Written by: Tessa alloine

Blog No.36


If you are a history buff and enjoy costumes and forests, then I have just the event for you!


In the Outer Rim, is a now-famous planet, due to its rich history, both in itself and in the Rebellion. It has taken a while, partly because the inhabitants of the planet, Endor, are fierce and self contained and new ideas are not easily embraced. 


The Ewoks are well known, but the Wisties are equally ferocious and the Yuzzums have their own history and the Duloks inhabit Endor's moon. 

The Exciting news I bring to you all today is that they are now opening up annual Re-enactments of the Historical Battle of Endor! They are calling it 'Endor Star Wars' (Seriously, that name! HOW did it get mixed into Everything?!) 

Regardless, that is what it is being called and for 5 Credits (2 Credits for children) you can go and watch the Ewoks and famous figures from history (played by locals and outside hires) battle the Empire! 


I saw their rehearsal and I must say, it was heart-stopping! At one point, I heard something behind where I was sitting and when I turned, what stepped out of the bushes, but an ATAT! I nearly fainted dead away - but then 'Han Solo' (played by Brat Perter, a local tavern owner with a real flair for acting) zipped by on a speeder bike and shot at it, sending it stumbling back into the bushes, where a bunch of Ewoks leaped out and took it all the down, shrieking their Endor Star Wars battle cries! 


We couldn't help it - all us spectators cheered and applauded - a few were in tears of joy! 

You really feel like you are THERE. Endor Star Wars hopes to make this an annual event, with not only the re-enactments, but snack booths, story-telling campfire pits and markets for trade. 

This will be the very first Endor Star Wars re-enactment, but I sincerely hope it won't be the last. 

If I can fit it into my schedule, I'll be here, as many times as I can. 

It's important to remember what we have been through and what we have achieved through the sacrifice of others. 

(Even though 'Endor Star Wars' is terribly mis-named. It isn't even ON a star! It's a planet! But I mustn't get upset about this. Endor Star Wars it is.) 


If you find the forest fighting too usettling, you can go view the bunker and see 'Princess Leia and Han Solo' Fighting and flirting in the doorway. It's fun, though it's a little hard to hear them over the blasters. They are still working out the sound. 

In the evening, everyone gets to watch the 'Death Star Explode' in a fireworks display and there is feasting and dancing far into the night. It is glorious!


The only odd thing is I could swear I saw a golden statue of Master Myrmin Mindro on the Landing Dock when we came in. I must have been mistaken, but it was unsettling. I'll have a closer look when I return. 


Star Wars Ewok GIFs - Find & Share on GIPHY


While this topic winner isn't exactly purple, it deals with Red and Blue and that MAKES purple, right?


So the winner this week is - 

The Dark Grandma   

Written by: Tuesday Devereux & Adaya Devereux


This is very interesting and I can't wait to see where it goes! Great job!


The link is: https://worldofgalaxies.eu/topic/view/c498a7bc-aec2-44cb-ba68-2fe4b8216b70



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Who knows what else may be uncovered in the nooks and crannies of the Galaxy? Whether it is something uncovered in the Holocron Hall, Brought to light by the Scanners or Discovered on a small planet in the Outer Rim, it shall be brought before you to learn about, discuss or react to!

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