"DJ R2-D2"
Written by: Tessa alloine

Blog No.38


I have encountered the strangest thing and I hope that some of you have answers for me! 


It can get lonely and dull on long voyages across the Galaxy (or so I've heard - I'm always pretty tense, myself, with my fear of heights and space travel) and people turn to many hobbies to keep themselves entertained on these journeys. 


Some play sabacc with their crew,  others train as best they can in the confines of their ship, others create with writing or composition or invention. 


But lately, I have heard of some who listen to low frequency transmissions, as people used to do way back before space travel was even in existence (or so the histories say). Using these low frequencies, people would spend hours playing popular (or even UNpopular) music, debating with each other or simply talking and sharing their thoughts and views on a wide variety of subjects. 


This ancient practice has come back into a certain vogue and there is apparently an extremely popular station, called R2-D2 Live! 

Now, obviously, this isn't the ACTUAL R2-D2, as that incredible droid ran out its battery and use long ago, but someone or something is using the name and sounding much like it (or at least, like what we have been told it sounded like) to do a talk show on this transmission! 


Many people have called in to discuss with this 'R2-D2' DJ about the weather, meteor showers, Galactic battles, funny anecdotes, favorite recipes and porg competitions. All sorts of things! 


I was able to listen in for a few minutes before I lost the frequency and it was . . interesting. I can't say that I completely understood EVERYTHING this R2-D2 wannabe was saying, as it was all beeps and whrrs and others sounds, but it was pretty impressive how much could be inferred simply by those!


Everyone who called in seemed to understand this R2-D2 perfectly and I did wonder if I was missing something or if they were just pretending so as to seem 'cooler'. It WAS enjoyable, though. 


There will probably be some people from the R2-D2 Foundation who will be upset at this poser, pretending to be the famous droid and rebel without permission, but I can't help but feel that going against the established rules in the name of free speech and and a little harmless mischief is exactly the sort of thing that the original R2-D2 might do. 


We can only speculate, but it is fun to do so. I doubt there is a more beloved historical figure in our archives than this fearless droid. I hope to find the frequency again and perhaps glean a little bit more and perhaps get my mind off my space flight. 


I wonder if an immitation C3PO will show up anytime soon? It would seem fitting, wouldn't you think?  I imagine it is only a matter of time, but we shall see. 


Have any of you come across this station? If not, what would you talk about? 


R2d2 Scream GIFs - Find & Share on GIPHY


This is an old topic, but a delicious one! 


So the winner this week is - 

Spice Cake  

Written by: Neerago Greguhargh & Errol Septimus


Well done!


The link is: https://worldofgalaxies.eu/topic/view/d9670427-8c07-45d3-9eb6-092d86b8eb14


Our next theme of the week is:



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Who knows what else may be uncovered in the nooks and crannies of the Galaxy? Whether it is something uncovered in the Holocron Hall, Brought to light by the Scanners or Discovered on a small planet in the Outer Rim, it shall be brought before you to learn about, discuss or react to!

Together, we shall find these Secrets of the Galaxy!