"TIE Fighter Combat"
Written by: Tessa alloine

Blog No.40


Do you like adventure? Are you a thrill seeker, but prefer to seek thrills without the risk of death? Okay, with a smaller risk? Let me explain: 


I was just thinking that I could return home and get to the mountain of paperwork ( a charming phrase, but of course it's all datapads and holos, really. We haven't had 'Paper' in millenium!) that was no doubt piling up. 


I'd been travelling and going to special fundtions for a while and was looking forward to a time of peace and tranquility. Oh yes, and 'paperwork'. 

Just as I was approaching the port, someone called out and it was an envoy, requesting my presence at a special event that afternoon. 


While I am glad that people are wanting representatives of the government to participate in their lives and culture, in that moment, I really just wanted to go home, I admit it. But I pulled myself together and turned away from my ship and went to the event. 


They described it as 'a presentation of skill and piloting'

It was NOT what I had expected. 

Somehow, this group of townspeople had aquired a couple of TIE fighters, the favored small fighter ships of the old Imperial Fleet!


They must have fixed them up and were using these TIE Fighters in mock battles. 

It was rather shocking to see them flying around in the sky, so low and REAL. As if history had sprung to life in front of me! 

They gave me a seat to watch the battle and then I saw the real shocking thing. 


They were NOT being piloted by people in the ships themselves. The TIE Fighters were being piloted by Remote Control! 


Two teams of 5 people worked the controls, with a couple of people watching the skies and a couple of them working the controls, an extra person keeping an eye on the power sources. 


The TIE Fighters, though fairly small for ships in space, looked huge so close to the ground and flying around our heads! They shot at each other with something that must have been more light than force, as it was a mock battle. The SOUND - that high pitched sound they made as the shot past us sent chills down my spine. 


A few times it seemed to me that the two TIE fighters nearly collided and I honestly couldn't tell if it was on purpose or was a near miss. 


As I watched, I could see that the townspeople were extremely proud of what they had done and hoped it would bring throngs of spectators to them, to boost their economy. I could see how it would. But I could also see how those TIE Fighters could crash into each other or straight into the ground, one day - how one mistake could cost hundreds of people their lives. Everything was handled very carelessly. I felt - unnerved. 


I looked into the eager eyes of those around me, as they watched ME to see my reaction. They wanted me to applaud their plan and their TIE Fighters. I did my best. I also mapped out a plan for better safety measures and I plan to send out some troops to inspect the area and give their professional opinion. 


Would you go to see this spectacle? If not, what do you think should be done with these refurbished TIE Fighters? 



Star Wars - Tie Fighter by Son of Brutalism on Dribbble


It's amazing how many people have blasters these days!


The winner this week is - 

Blast it!

Written by: Tuesday Devereux, Evelyn Talbott & Errol Septimus


Well done!


The link is: https://worldofgalaxies.eu/topic/view/f11ee16b-5f2f-499f-9b23-8ba9f7330bca-blast-it


Our next theme of the week is:



Note - ALL topics are open, unless in The Past or the Current PLANNED Topic areas

Who knows what else may be uncovered in the nooks and crannies of the Galaxy? Whether it is something uncovered in the Holocron Hall, Brought to light by the Scanners or Discovered on a small planet in the Outer Rim, it shall be brought before you to learn about, discuss or react to!

Together, we shall find these Secrets of the Galaxy!