"A New Hope Again and Again"
Written by: Tessa alloine

Blog No.44

You have all been a part of what has inspired me to work harder on my orphanage project and to MAKE the time for it. 


I think I've been thinking, all this time, that there would come a perfect moment, a perfect clearing of my schedule to work on this project, and of course life's not like that. 


Perhaps I have been afraid that if I accomplished my dream, then I would hace none left. That is foolishness! I should know, of all people, how full life is and if I think I can solve all of life's problem for all the orphans in the entire Galaxy, then I am delusional! But I CAN do my best to imrpove their lives and give as many as possible the best chance I can. 


There is a phrase that I have heard a lot lately. 'A New Hope'. 

I heard it when I was visiting a village in the Mid-Rim and there was a group of people celebrating the birth of the Mayor's daughter. Mayor Hugo Hope was a jolly man and he and his wife, Helga Hope had 8 children already! (they were practically the village all by themselves!) So the villagers were saying that there was 'A new Hope!' in the village.

Charming, I thought! 


Then I was looking through the records to find the first rendition of an old law (regarding Portion Bread and not relevent to this story) and saw that the era I was reading about had the heading 'A New Hope' 

It was all about the rise of the Resistance, during the Empire's rule and it was fascinating!

Read more like a novel than a report of facts. 


I am filled with a new hope every time it is the Emperor's month to handle the holo-work. True, I am crushed with disappointment every single time and then I have to race to get both his work AND mine done at the same time, but I keep hoping, anyway! (Did I record that? Dr8ke, erase that from the article.)


I thought that A New Hope sounded great and was a wonderful title for a report on a chapter of life, especially for an entire people. 

This is why I have decided to name my first Orphanage, 'A New Hope!'
It sounds right and 'A New Hope' Orphanages will hopefully be popping up all over the galaxy. 


I will MAKE the time and will make my dream a bit more practical to start with. A Smaller, comfortable home, as opposed to something large and more expensive. In that way, I can perhaps make some actual progress and not keep piddling around with excuses and pencil-sharpening. 


I hopefully will have good report on this soon.

 In the meantime, please let me know if you think that YOUR town, Your planet really could use A New Hope Orphanage in it. I'll make a list. 

Good hope to you, as well! May your dreams begin to come to fruition, if they haven't already


YARN | No, not the orphans. | Black Dynamite | Video gifs by quotes |  fbeb52e0 | 紗


Thisisn't at Dexter's (I couldn't find one that was) but this has Dining in it! 


The winner this week is - 


Written by: Xavier Lancaster& Adaya Devereux


Great writing! 


The link is: https://worldofgalaxies.eu/topic/view/5e72760d-5de3-4fb7-bc21-fdeb31766971


Our next theme of the week is:



Note - ALL topics are open, unless in The Past or the Current PLANNED Topic areas

Who knows what else may be uncovered in the nooks and crannies of the Galaxy? Whether it is something uncovered in the Holocron Hall, Brought to light by the Scanners or Discovered on a small planet in the Outer Rim, it shall be brought before you to learn about, discuss or react to!

Together, we shall find these Secrets of the Galaxy!