"The NEW New Republic?"
Written by: Tessa Alloine

Blog No.47

Do you ever have times when you just want to have the upper hand over your co-workers? 


I am supremely grateful to those in the Galaxy who helped us find way to evacuate the clouds of toxic fumes that the fumigation process left in the governmental buildings that I work in and call home, for now. 

But even so, as I walk along the echoing corridors and sit at my desk, the aroma of those clouds . . linger. 


Occasionally, we stumble upon the carcasses of the vermin that caused the need for the fumigation process in the first place! Euch! The Emperor is so thoughtful as to bring any he finds out of his office and places them on to my desk. 
I also have found him working at my desk when his own office is, as he eloquently puts it 'Too stinky'


It is at times like this that I like to remind him of the time of the New Republic. 
Right before that, the leader of all was the Supreme Chancellor and that is something I like to tell him. 
Then he reminds ME that then it was the Emperor. 
I then re-remind HIM that they overthrew the Emperor and formed the New Republic and returned to having a Chancellor. 
He tells me that there was nothing Supreme about this one and I can't have my desk back anyway so there. 

I never win these arguments and I don't know why I engage with them. Sighing, I try, yet again, to find a workspace that won't have me interrupted. 

We are now living in what some might call a NEW New Republic. We have brought in everything that we hoped would work and thrown it together. 
An Emperor - but with a Supreme Chancellor to balance things out. We have power, but not too much power. We have Senators and Ambassadors to help keep things in check. 

It doesn't always work, but we try our best. 


I found myself in the Hall of Remembrance, where we keep artifacts from history, from the Old and New Republic, things to remind us of what is important, of what NOT to do and of accomplishments. 

Letting my fingers trail over a tabletop, they brushed a button on a datapad and a voice suddenly filled the space. It was low, rich and plummy. It resonated and made me want to hear more, even as it felt ominous. 

"This will be a day long remembered -" I lifted my hand and the button released, the voice stopped. 

Leaning over, I saw the inscription on the datapad: DV - (J.E.J.)
Hmm. I never understood how they catalogued these things. 
Perhaps our very New Republic could use more organization. 

If we even WERE a republic. Perhaps we'd better be called a Hodgepodge. The New hodgepodge of the Galaxy!


Laughing, I found a bench and settled down to my work. 

Sometimes the Emperor drove me crazy, but I still was glad to work with him. We understood each other - to a degree.

Better than I think he liked to admit. 


Nothing in life was easy, but so much of it was good. We lived in a bittersweet galaxy a lot of the time. 
The original New Republic had long gone, but what we had in its place was something unique. Not as shiny, perhaps, and a bit stinky at times.


But it was ours and we were making it work. 



YARN | Long live the New Republic. | The Mandalorian () - S03E03 Chapter  19: The Convert | Video gifs by quotes | e95e4181 | 紗


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