"A Jango Fett Bedtime Story"
Written by: Tessa alloine

Blog No.48

A child has asked for a glass of blue milk, for a nightlight, for an extra blanket - it is obvious that they are stalling having to close their eyes for the night. 


The parent sits by their bed, patiently. 


"My child, I think you need a story."


"Oh yes, please! A story! A Story!" 


"Alright, but lay down and be still. The idea is to prepare for sleep, not to bounce off the walls."


The child obediently flops back on the pillows and folds its hands, only the sparkle of its eyes betraying the energy coursing through it. 

The parent smiles and speaks soothingly. 

"Once upon a time, there was a Mandalorian named Jango Fett -"


The child sat up again "I know that name! He was -"


"Down, Child! Or do you want a story at all?"




"Okay. Where was I? Oh yes, the Mandalorian, Jango Fett, or should I say the FORMER Mandalorian, as they claimed he had never been one of them and simply had stolen or purchased their armor from some wandering Jawas or something."


"HAD he?"


"Oh no, he was Mandalorian, alright. They were just ashamed."




"Well, he did some things they weren't too fond of."


"Like what?"


"This story is not all about Jango Fett's questionable behavior. But he became a bounty hunter. He was an extremely good fighter and he had special armor and he ran a profitable business as a bounty hunter, catching people and turning them in for a price."




"Yes. But he did other things, too. Once, he made an agreement with a powerful person to allow them to use his DNA to create an entire ARMY! They would use him as a template and clone him -" 


"What's a 'clone'?"


"It's an exact copy. They were recreating him, basically, over and over. He agreed. Can you imagine this? Can you imagine looking out over thousands and thousands of YOU? Jango Fett agreed and I cannot think of what was going through his mind at this. But part of the price was that he got the very first one. And you know what he did?"


"No, what?!"


"He decided that this was his very own son."


"Wait - he made his copy his son? Isn't that weird?"

"Well, some would say it was poetic or physchological, but- yes, it could be weird, too."


"It's so weird." 


"Hush, Jango Fett was lonely, he'd lost his entire clan and family and now he had someone. His son, Boba. And now Jango Fett was the face of a powerful army, he wore his Mandolorian mask, so it wasn't too strange, as it would be to look at one's face all the time. And he had a son. Just like I have family, in you."

"Yeah, but I'm no clone!" 


"No, you're not. The moral of the story is - good children go to sleep or else their parents will learn from Jango Fett and simply clone their own children!" 


"Fine! Goodnight. Love you."


"Love you too, Rascall."


Jango Fett Meme GIFs | Tenor


We have a winner this week! While a not bounty hunters themselves, perhaps, there is definitely the fear of being hunted and found!


Our topic winner this week is: When A New Experience Calls, Don't Answer Next Time, Written by Xavier Lancaster and Felix Lopez


A quote from the topic:  "Not here, on Korriban. Transparency would likely get him killed."


Well done, writers, I am excited about this topic!


Here's the topic link:


Our next theme of the week is:



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Who knows what else may be uncovered in the nooks and crannies of the Galaxy? Whether it is something uncovered in the Holocron Hall, Brought to light by the Scanners or Discovered on a small planet in the Outer Rim, it shall be brought before you to learn about, discuss or react to!

Together, we shall find these Secrets of the Galaxy!