"Star Wars Outlaws - is this a Game?!"
Written by: Tessa Alloine

Blog No.50

Just when you thought it was safe! 
I have heard that annoying term for the Galaxy, 'Star Wars' again! But this time, it was even worse! 


I was enjoying a stroll by the lake on Alderaan (Alderaan III, of course) and taking a break from all the work, when I pverheard some children who were playing nearby. They were playing a game with sticks and pretending chasing each other and making 'Pew! Pew!' noises. 


I smiled and was about to walk on by, when I heard them mention that they were playing 'Star Wars Outlaws'. I ask you! 


There was a time when children would play 'Guardians and Smugglers' and the point was clear - to practice upholding the law! 

I can even recall when children would play at being Storm Troopers and throw things around and never hit anything. 

It was a safe game for them to play and release some energy. 


But this! 'Star Wars Outlaws' indeed! As if our galaxy was filled with nothing but nefarious ne'er do wells. As if that was what we called our galaxy at all! As if our galaxy was always at war! We haven't been at war for several years! 
(I mean, as a whole) 


I marched on and stopped at the market to get a cooling Jawa Juice and to my shock I saw a new pamphlet being sold - a cheap affair, with bright colors and drawings and IT was called 'Star Wars Outlaws'! I asked what in the supernova that was and I was informed that it was a story that had been written, based off of the game. The GAME? I was astounded. People were so starved for entertainment that they were writing tales off of children's games? 


But no, I was mistaken. 
A lady tapped me on the shoulder, bobbed a curtsy and directed me to a club nearby, one I rarely frequent as it's so dim, that I can't really see in there. 


I was told to ask around for it. So, my curiosity piqued, I entered, holding tightly to my guard's arm and asked about the 'Star Wars Outlaws' game. 

Imagine my surprise when I was taken to a backroom, and sat in front of a giant screen, where a complex datapad was hooked up and I was given a remote device. 


It turned out that someone with rather ingenius abilities and too much time on their hands had taken high quality equipment and created an electornic GAME! 

This 'Star Wars outlaws' game was not the same 'Star Wars Outlaws' game i had seen hcildren playing outside, but they and the pamphlet were both based off this 'Star Wars Outlaws' game that had been created and sold to people from this club! 


I didn't play very long, as my skills are - terrible. 

I died many times, lost all the treasure I had accumulated and kept getting stuck in sandtraps that were not even apparently part of the game! 


It was very impressive, but I was worried that I could spend hours doing nothing but play when I had so much to attend to in my day. 

I did, however, ask the creator of the 'Star Wars Outlaws' game to come by the office for a job interview the following week. We could use that kind of creativity and intelligence. 


I just hoped it wouldn't create a negative impact in productivity. 
Arrikzane should never find out about it. 



Everything we know about Star Wars Outlaws: Release date, plot, and  gameplay | Space

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