"The Rise of the Millenium Falcon"
Written by: Tessa Alloine

Blog No.54

We have been seeing a lot of the past revisited lately and I'd like to highlight something completely LEGAL that is both historical, legendary and current!


I speak, of course, of the Millenium Falcon.


This - perhaps less than impressive looking - ship had been one of the fastest, most hunted and most important to the Rebellion in history! 

Possibly the most beloved, too. 


It had lain in storage for a long time, then placed on display for students of history and lovers of antiquities and oddities to come and admire. 

But then, once again, the Millenium Falcon surprised all who had underestimated her! Like a pheonix, she rose from the ashes of time and one intreped person boldly (and slightly illegally) attempted to turn the engine on and to everyone's shock - it WORKED! 

After so many years of disuse and being old even at the height of its power, it worked!


In the end, the Millenium Falcon was polished, repaired and given to it's new owner, Kenale Castsch. 


What is that great ship up to now? Is it smuggling once again? Being used for nefarious adventures? I am sure it isn't. Oh, of course there was that time in the winter that it had a malfunction and dropped supplies over many planets, but that wasn't so bad. 
Kenale seems trustworthy and Probably the Millenium Falcon is being used as a regular transport ship or . . to deliver supplies to orphaned children or to senior citizen homes.  

I'm sure. 


I'm just thrilled that the great Millenum Falcon is soaring once more! It is possible that, if you ask, Kenale will offer you a quick flight - for the price of a ticket. Kenale was unavailable at the time this was written, but I am sure you could just ask. 


Just remember that all that shaking and clattering and sounds of things falling is part of the Millenium Falcon's great charm! Nothing to worry about. 


Sit there and think about how the legendary Han Solo And Chewbacca rode in those very seats! Although those may have been replaced. Well, they rode in that very ship, anyway. 

IF you can get in. 


I hear that there are some doodles on the inner walls of the ship. Some say that they were drawn by Solo and Chewbacca themselves! Little scratchings that they drew on long flights. Some are apparently rather rude, but as they are scratched in, they can't be removed. I have not seen them myself, so I can't speak to how true these rumours are. Perhaps Kenale has hung a poster over them or something, if so.


It is also said that depsite our advances in technology, the Millenium falcon is still one of the fastest ships out there. No one is entirely sure why. It could be that Chewbacca was an engineering genius, it could be that the famed duo cannibalized technology from all over and created something new - it could be love. The ship feels the love they had for it and she just speeds along faster for them. I suppose that's unlikely, but I like to think it. 


Personally, I wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole, but then, I don't like flying anyway. 


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