"Star Wars Rey - WHAT?"
Written by: Tessa alloine

Blog No.57

I sat there, staring in frustration at my holopad screen. 
I was having one of those moments that I'm sure that you, the People of the Galaxy, never have. That moment when I have forgotten the password to my own Holopad. 


The password that I myself created. 


Wellll, to be honest, it was a tiny bit more complicated than that. Someone had changed my password. It was NOT what I had created at all! (I suspected Arrikzane)


Despite our offices being so close together, I simply could not ask him. He was away on a trip and wasn't asnwering my calls. So I was on my own. 

I didn't like to call in officers and senators away from serious jobs for this. I could figure it out, right? 

As it was, I had figured out a lot of it. 'Star Wars Rey.'

You'd think that would be enough, but apparently there was one more word. 

I had yet to find it. 
Using 'Star Wars Rey' was already an annoying little word play by the emperor (if it had been him) 

He knew how I didn't like the name 'Star Wars' for our galaxy. 

I had tried 'Star Wars Rey - gun.' 
'Star Wars Rey -Skywalker'
'Star Wars Rey-Ray'
'Star War Rey-Beam'


Nothing was working! 

Who was 'Rey' anyway? Was it a person at all? An object? An Anagram? 
I had thought it might refer to the legendary Rey Skywalker, Jedi of story and song. But then maybe it was someone else. Old Rey Webster, a nursemaid or merchant maid or tailor or something. 

If it was an anagram, it could be:

Red Eye Yonder!
Ripped Everywhere, Yeow!
Right End Yawning


None of these seemed likely. 

What could I be missing? Then, just as I was REALLY diving into the possiblities, my holopad beeped out a warning: 




I looked this up and realized that if I failed 3 more password attempts, the Holopad would erase - EVERYTHING in there! Everything! I needed that information! This was ridiculous. I had recipes in that holopad! Memos! A knitting pattern that I was most definitely going to learn how to do and then put to good use - someday. Truly! 


Why was this happening?! 


As Supreme Chancellor, I was supposed to have MORE help and assistance, not have ridiculous pranks threaten all that I possessed, right? Surely? No?


I was going to have the Emperor's office painted in bright pink. 


Normally I don't just disclose this sort of embarrassment to the public, but, seriously, I need to get into my files and get some work done and I cannot, until this is solved!


I know that, out there, are some truly brilliant minds. Minds that are sharp at all sorts of things! Mechanics, technology, puzzles, holopads, co-workers with evil senses of humor. So please, help me out. 


Help me to get past my re-configured password and into my files!


Thank you. Know that you'll have the gratitude of your Supreme Chancellor and . . . a coupon for 10 percent off at your next visit to Dexter's Diner! (wait- that's expired) well, I'll figure out something! 


Lock screen password key data computer security Vector Image


I loved the topic winner for this week and I can't wait to see where it goes!


The topic winner is: 

The Universe Knows Us Locatedon The Forbidden Tradestation and written by Cephas Bolt and Myrmin Mindro


Here is a quote from it: Lena seemed perplexed by the shift in the atmosphere, but not concerned; that helped settle Myrmin's initial, knee-jerk panic that they were about to enter some kind of high speed chase across the galaxy with a mostly empty fuel tank, a leaking cylinder somewhere, and nothing but sad, dried rations to keep them going through it all.


I loved this topic! Go read it :D

Our next theme of the week is:



Note - ALL topics are open, unless in The Past or the Current PLANNED Topic areas

Who knows what else may be uncovered in the nooks and crannies of the Galaxy? Whether it is something uncovered in the Holocron Hall, Brought to light by the Scanners or Discovered on a small planet in the Outer Rim, it shall be brought before you to learn about, discuss or react to!

Together, we shall find these Secrets of the Galaxy!