"What has C-3PO Done LATELY?"
Written by: Tessa alloine

Blog No.59

Hello, all! I suppose when someone like myself is quiet for a time, you think that it's because I'm relaxing on a beach on Naboo, sipping a Jawa juice, with not a care in the worlds. 

I have two words for you: SPRING CLEANING! 

That's right, your Supreme Chancellor has been on her hands and knees, scrubbing the corners of her office, digging into the bottom drawers of her desk and overseeing that the cleaning droids aren't sweeping things under the rug!


Arrikzane also has a habit of sneaking things from his office into MINE, when cleaning is going on, so that he can bring them back in when the cleaning is over and so I have to keep an eye on HIM as well. 


(Honestly, I suspect he really does it just to annoy me) This year, I also oversaw the cleaning of the Hall of History, where we keep relics of the past and old awards and trophies and all sorts of things. A really amazing place that you should visit on your next trip to Alderaan III, but boy, does it get dusty! 


There is a replica there of a famous droid from history. C-3PO.

As the droids hurriedly polished the replica's head, it gleamed gold in the light and I found myself gazing at the wide eyes and wondering if the famed, REAL C-3PO was as practical and filled with knowledge as the legends say. 

It was amazing to me that a droid meant for diplomatic uses and languages (not to mention etiquette) was involved in so much adventure! 


Intrigue would make sense, but the raw adventure of it all is rather shocking. I wondered if friend C-3PO would have any useful advice for me in my preent circumstances. I, too, have ended up far from where I expected to be. And if he knew how to get blue milk stains out of tapestries without ruining them, I would be so very grateful! 


Really, I should get the latest version of protocol droid for my travels, as that would be a great help with all the different cultures and languages I come across. 

All at once, I felt aggrieved. Here was this talented and capable droid and all C-3PO did now was ADD to my own duties, as I now had to DUST it! 

So wrong. 

Well, what can one expect from a replica, anyway? 


I hope that you, out there in the Galaxy, are doing well with your own spring cleaning and if you know of any good deals on Protocol droids, let me know! It might not be as spectacular as C-3PO, but I'm sure it will be a great help. 

Still, I'm inspired by C-3PO, to live my life, utilizing my skills in any circumstance I find myself in and being willing to undertake the adventures that come my way and - hopefully - survive them! Who knows? Any one of you could end up as a legendary person yourself, in the end! 

Just be careful!


YARN | I am C-3PO... | Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983) |  Video gifs by quotes | 24521919 | 紗


What a great topic for the win this week! 


The topic winner is: 

A Ghost from the Grave Location Senate Headquarters and written by Xavier Lancaster and EliasVoden


Here is a quote from it: As he reached for the glass of water to his left, a hologram appeared in front of him, startling him briefly. It was the young woman who worked downstairs as a secretary of sorts, and her passive expression seemed to bore into him. "Senator, there is a gentleman here requesting for your time." Vier furrowed his brows, glancing at an open notebook with his daily schedule written down. "Odd, I do not recall having any meetings for this time. Has he given any reasoning for this request?"


This is so interesting, I can't wait for the rest of it!


The link to the topic: https://worldofgalaxies.eu/topic/view/1545165b-30e6-4482-bd17-91a7f9736d09-a-ghost-from-the-grave

Our next theme of the week is:


Note - ALL topics are open, unless in The Past or the Current PLANNED Topic areas

Who knows what else may be uncovered in the nooks and crannies of the Galaxy? Whether it is something uncovered in the Holocron Hall, Brought to light by the Scanners or Discovered on a small planet in the Outer Rim, it shall be brought before you to learn about, discuss or react to!

Together, we shall find these Secrets of the Galaxy!