Meet The Team
Date // Installment #1 // Written by: Xavier Lancaster
Take Flight!
Hello there! I would like to welcome everyone to the first installment of 'Meet The Team!', where I (Xavier Lancaster) conduct interviews with our very own staff members on the site. This is so that new members may get a chance to know the site through its current members. Today's first victim would be our lovely Piloting Master, Errol Septimus. Equally as charming as he is ambitious, there is a lot to learn off of him, and today I wanted to see what great knowledge he could give.

Xavier: Hello Errol! Thank you for joining me today, i can imagine that youre quite a busy man, and i appreciate you taking the time to conduct this interview with me. To get the ball rolling, I wanted to ask how you are today?

Errol: Thank you for having me on your show, Senator. Oh - wait, this isn't a show? Well, close enough. I am doing great, thank you! Some have called me radiant and that was just this morning. 

Xavier: I'm glad to hear you're doing well! Radiant is certainly a great word to describe yourself. You're our piloting master on the site, I wanted to get an inside scope on your experience with this position. I'm the time you've been in this position, how have you found it?

Errol: Yes! I AM the - what did you say? Oh yes, the PILOTING Master. Take THAT, Old Crew of mine! My experience? I have found it to be very enlightening. For one thing, I look great in sunshades. For another, there are a LOT of amazing ships out there! Also, there are a lot of potentially incredible pilots, who are taking the course. If they continue with it, I think we'll see them do great things in the future. Or terrible things, but probably great things. 

Xavier: Personally, I think thats a great takeaway for your course! A lot of people dont consider the opportunities that being able to pilot a ship can bring. Its a great skill to have, one that i am still trying to obtain, its a lot more challenging than one would think. I am curious however, you are one of our Masters who have long-since joined the site, when you first got the job, was it daunting at all?

Errol: Yes, when I first got the position, it was a little intimidating, as the former piloting Master was VERY knowledgable and good at his job and I didn't - in a technical, sort of literal way - know HOW to fly, really. But I found ways around that and I've really enjoyed the class!

Xavier: A brave thing to do really, i couldnt imagine trying to teach piloting if i didnt know how to myself! But alas, youve become one of our most beloved Masters here. So you must be doing something right. Is there any advice you'd have to give about Master jobs? I myself struggle with deadlines, but is there anything you'd say to a new master?

Errol: Oh certainly I have advice! Use your resources. Always give lessons you'd want to take. Also, I learn a lot from my students. Have fun! And take your own class so you can see it from your students perspective. It helps. 

Xavier: Agreed, as it might be known, i used to teach here myself, and thankfully i got to teach courses that i very much enjoyed myself. I think thats great advice. There are plenty of resources around us today, and I think that taking full advantage will always be the greatest way to learn. Now, I wanted to focus a little bit on Errol as a character as well. Was his Faction something you chose purposely, or did it happen by chance? How might this have affected his character?

Errol: Yes, I did choose Errol's faction on purpose. It wasn't my natural Faction, but I wanted to play in it and see what it was like. He's one of my favorite characters' though and I enjoy how he's still evolving. It certainly effects him, because I decided that he was born as a GR, but CHOSE to be a Hutt (that's a secret tidbit!) So being in the Hutts is very important to him and his choice effects everything he does. 

Xavier: How would you describe him as a person? Charming is one word of course.

Errol: He IS charming, yes! He is also ambitious, a dreamer, vain, a bit of a romantic and a thief and con-man. In some ways, he is always searching for family of his own choosing and is a good friend, but he has a bit of ne'er do well in him that never goes away. 

Xavier: Did he have any other passions in life which he may or may not have achieved?

Errol: His big dream in life is to own his own luxury casino. He would also like to run his own Cartel someday. He married his dream girl, Arcadia, so that was one giant goal that he thought would never happen that did!

Xavier: Well, i wish him the best of luck with his escapades. And moving swiftly onto you! You have been an active member on this site for a very long time. How did you come across it?

Errol: I came to this site through Emperor Arrikzane! He was the Supreme Chancellor then and needed some Masters and knew that if he enticed me to come, I would see this and be unable to keep myself from applying :D So Arrikzane invited me and I came and I applied! 

Xavier: I too joined the site as a master! Although i was invited by a close friend of mine, and of course i too couldnt say no. Is there any advice you'd give to new denizens? The site can be difficult to navigate sometimes, what do you recommend?

Errol: My advice to any new person here is to take the time to look around and read things! Click on things! Get familiar with the site. Read the rules and the history! Talk with people and soon you'll be right at home.

Xavier: Has it helped you as a person at all? In my own personal experience, using the WoX sites has helped me immensely through the years.

Errol: Definitely. The WoX sites have given me great insight into leadership, which has actually helped me a lot in my IRL job, and writing helps me with my typing (I'm much faster and better than I used to be) I have learned new skills and I love the adventure of writing topics with people! 

Xavier: And lastly, just a little bit of something about you. How would you describe yourself as a person?

Errol: That's a tough question. It's always tricky describing yourself. I think most people would say that I'm friendly. I love making stories and writing and I love positivity in real life, but I love tormenting my characters in stories :D 

Xavier: Ah yes, the trauma that we give our characters. It's somewhat cruel, admittedly, but it makes for great character depth!


Well, that's all the questions I had for today, thank you for your time Errol, it was great chatting with you!

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