"Introducing: Kai!"
Written by: Tessa alloine

Blog No.68

In continuing with my getting to know people of the Galaxy, one on one, I was presented with one Kai Vidalia. Now Kai, I saw, actually had a position with one of the Masters. The Piloting Master! I wasn't sure who I was about to meet. Would it be someone who could finally wrangle Master Errol into shape? Or was it someone just like him who bring out Piloting training into chaos? Or something else entirely? I was most interested to find out! Apparently, she was part Nautolan, too, which was intriguing. 


When she arrived, I welcomed her, offered her a chair and we got to it:


Tessa: "Thank you for taking the time out of your busy workload to come chat with me. Do sit down and I have water if you'd like some.  As you may have heard, I am trying to find out more about the galaxy from the perspective of it's citizens. I just have a few questions, if you don't mind answering them. To start with, Can you tell me which planet you originate from and something about that?"


Kai: Kai walks into Tessa's office with a small smile. She nods, taking a seat as she listens to what Tessa was saying. "I didn't have much planned today so I am glad to be here. To answer your first question, I am from a planet called Glee Anselm and well.... I don't really remember much about it as I was taken away from it when I was 5 I believe."


Tessa: "Glee Anselm. I have not been there yet, but I hope to visit it soon. I, too, left my original planet when I was very young. Maybe we can talk about that later, if we have the time. You have recently begun to work as an assistant Master to the Piloting Master, Errol Septimus. Tell me . . what is that like? I have heard some conflicting things. I know you can't say everything, but has it been - what you expected?"


Kai: Kai chuckles at the second question. "Well, it... certainly is quite the experience. Master Septimus is quite.... different from what I expected but, he's a kind soul and quite the good teacher but don't tell him I said that." She chuckles and then adds. "Or do, it doesn't really matter but I do have to say, it was not exactly what I expected but I do enjoy it."


Tessa: "Really? Well, that's - good to hear. Different than I expected, but good. I'm glad that you're having a good experience. In your travels so far, do you have a tip or some advice to anyone who is piloting around the planets?"


Kai: "I have to think on this one as I am usually going to planets where there is a smaller population but, one thing that might make it easier to fly is to trust your instincts as well as the force. Everyone is force sensitive in a way, you just have to believe that you can do it." Kai smiles, then adds. "Though there is a piece of advice someone told me. If you crash, eject before hand and then try again. Life is an experience to learn from and you shouldn't give up just because you crash once. Keep trying until you succeed. Then you will realize what the meaning of this advice truely is." She grins a bit more, then she becomes a little more serious as the next question is asked.


Tessa: "I AM impressed! Those are great pieces of advice. although don't mind me if I shudder. I'm a bit afraid of heights, even space travel, so not fond of the idea of ejecting, but still, I understand your point. And as for your ambitions - are you hoping to become the Piloting Master one day or is this a stepping stone for you to another place in life?"


Kai: "I definately have to say that I might eventually aim to become the Piloting Master sometime in the future, but for now... it is just a stepping stone as well as a learning experience for me to see if I even wish to become a Master of any subjects though every single one is different" Kai says, a faint smile on her face.


Tessa: "I think you are on an excellent path to reach your goals. I expect I will see you as a Master one day. I must wrap up this meeting soon, but one last question: Would you mind demonstrating something you have learned? I know you can't fly a ship in my office, but you could demonstrate something else - or we could go down to the ship hangar."


Kai: Kai's eyes fill with amusement at the last question. "Lets head to the hanger as I do have a maneuver that I love using but, I do have to say, if you have a fear of ships flying really close to you that you stay as far into the hanger as you can." She smiles, giving a slightly reasuring look towards Tessa. 


The two head down to the hanger and Kai converses with one of the workers who smirks in response to whatever she had said and clears the hanger, leaving the two alone. Kai grabs a helmet, while walking towards her ship. An X-wing. The main color of the X-wing was a teal color while there was purple and dark blue spiraling markings that covered the X-wing. There was certainly an artistic flair put into the design of the markings and paint job, even if the paint was worn, scuffed and covered with blaster marks. Hopping into the X-wing she pulled the helmet over her head, closing the hatch by flicking a switch. Flicking a few other switches, she slowly takes off, doing a couple of laps around the hanger to warm the X-wing up. Smirking she does a barrel roll and exits the hanger, nose diving then pulling up to shoot into the sky, she levels out, turns around and heads back into the hanger. Doing another barrel roll she quickly lands after completing the barrel roll. Flipping a few more switches she shuts off the engine, getting out. Taking off the helmet she sighs. "That wasn't as impressive as I would have liked it to be but I do have a couple of errands I need to attend to soon. Sorry that it didn't really showcase what I am capable of but, it you want you can stop by some time next friday and I can show you what I can actually do." Kai offers, knowing that she would be completely free the entire day. 


Though I felt a bit dizzy and terrified while watching Kai's maneuvers, I could see that Piloting was in good hands. I thanked Kai for everything and hope to see her again, soon. But I AM glad to have my feet firmly on the ground!




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Who knows what else may be uncovered in the nooks and crannies of the Galaxy? Whether it is something uncovered in the Holocron Hall, Brought to light by the Scanners or Discovered on a small planet in the Outer Rim, it shall be brought before you to learn about, discuss or react to!

Together, we shall find these Secrets of the Galaxy!