Meet The Team
Installment #3 // Written by: Xavier Devereux
The One, The Only
Greetings one and all, and a warm welcome to the Third Installment of Meet The Team! Where you can get a closer look into the characters and classes of our wonderful site, World of Galaxies. Today I want to introduce you all to one of our cherished users, shes been with us for a very long time, brightening up the pleace with both her bold name and friendly personality, I'd like to introduce you all to our Dark Lady, Adaya Devereux!

Xavier: Hello Adaya, and a great thank you for joining me today, I really appreciate it! As you are our first Cherry in the series, I will be making sure this interview is in much more depth. I do love inside intel, I do love detail, and I know that you like to tease me on that, so I'll be using that to my advantage today. My first question as always, how are you, Dear?

Adaya: I'm doing pretty well, My Love! Thank you for asking, I hope you've had a good day as well. <3

Xavier: Indeed I have! Thankfully my days have been kind on me, although i cant say the same for my sleep schedule, haha. However, i have been told that my sleep deprivation makes me humerous, but i digress. Delving straight into this, I'll be focusing on your job as the Sith Ambassador first. Its a tricky job to hold, seeing as it's a faction known for strong emotions, fiery characters and wavering morals, I was curious on your thoughts about this? With your immense experience, I'm sure this is no challenge for you though!

Adaya: Truthfully, we've had quite a few people challenge me for my Ambassadorial seat! Fortunately enough, they don't get too far haha! But I'm glad that my Faction shows great initiative in their own unusual way. Sith are known for their recklessness, and their burning passion, but they do understand they would be left without guidance without someone in power- the great Empire that allows them to do what they desire so freely would crumble without structure and they might be forced to follow the rules if someone else took the reins. Which wouldn't please anyone!! 

Xavier: It is true that you have been one of our reigning leaders for quite some time now. Ive seen many on the Ambassadorial Seat during my time here, but its well known that you have been one of the most influential. Its great to have a leader so dedicated to their faction, and you have certainly proved that. As the Dark Lady, are there any areas in which you've struggled, or found difficult? Or, similarly, are there any parts that you find you particularly excell at? This could be answered both character-wise (for Daya is such a well-developed character), or from your own IRL perspective.

Adaya: Well, Adaya as a character shows a LOT of internal conflict- she was molded and shaped into the tough-love leader you see today, but a lot of the responsibilities were forced upon her, being dragged into training with the dark side, and shoved into the spotlight at a young age- but as she grows older and allows herself to become more tender, more open to love. You can see her Sith morals, the things she has always been spoon-fed- begin to flicker. Truthfully, I can't wait to see how this may reflect upon the ideas of the Empire. ;)

Xavier: In my time knowing Adaya, her character has been one that I've always taken a great interest in. Truth be told, that is how you and I met, if I'm correct? The development of her personality is something that i admire greatly, seeing how those around her are influencing the person shes becoming. More about Adaya as a person, she is a very well known Sith with a dark past. However, she does not always reflect the stereotypical attitudes that the Sith are known for, giving her a much more in-depth feeling. I was curious as to whether you'd created her according to those characteristics, or was it more of a 'figure it out as you go' sort of thing?

Adaya: Honestly, I created Adaya for the very position of Sith Empire Ambassador, so I began to develop her with fierce, protective, and brutal tendencies to match her throne. However, I always show bits of my own heart in my characters- from their loyalty, their protectiveness, and their generosity towards others. I always put a little bit of my own soul into them (like a horcrux LOL). So it took a while to put myself in Adaya's shoes, but I did alter her slightly to reflect the mental impact of the War, chipping away at her strict morals from working with the other Factions as one- dramatically challenging everything she was taught about weakness in anyone who doesn't follow the Sith Code, and that slowly opened her to the idea of love. So it was a 'build as you go' character for a while, but I find if you stay with your character for 6-something-years you begin to grow with them. :)

Xavier: Haha, i couldnt agree more. Xavier is one of my characters where i really tried to visualise how his past would affect him today, but also keeping in mind that he is no longer the violent, cold teenager he once was. And much like Adaya, slowly allowing himself to trust and to love (clearly). If you hadn't had the opportunity to be our Dark Lady, what other site jobs do you think you would have taken on, or if you wouldn't? I understand that you've held many site jobs over the many years, are there any that you'd consider revisiting? And what have some of your favourite jobs been in the past?

Adaya: Honestly, I would love to have a crack at Emperor or Supreme Chancellor (Although I believe my IRL location may make me ineligible..) If those weren't an option, perhaps trying out Diplomacy, Galactic Survival or Mind Studies Master! I've held many positions over the years, some of them more than once! I've dabbled in Ambassador twice, Senator of Galactic Security twice, History of Warfare (Galactic History) Master, Transmitter, Guardian, and Scanner! Although my absolute favourite would be my current position. c:

Xavier: Well, i personally think you would make for a great Empress, or Supreme Chancellor. Lets hope that one day we might see you in that seat! As one of our long-time users of the site, I was curious as to how you view your time here, if it has helped you in any ways, or if it hasnt (because we all have different experiences). I am someone who highly values the site due to the ways its helped change me as a person, the people I have met, et cetera.

Adaya: I wouldn't still be on WoG after all these years if I didn't absolutely adore it. The people on site (especially Tessy and Arrik) have helped me through a lot of dark times growing up so I owe a lot to them for their consistent kindness and understanding they’ve displayed to me. I joined 6 years ago, back when I was a super annoying 14/15 year old and I’m sure I stepped on some toes back then- but these past few years I always found WoG as an escape from my unsafe home, a place to go to see my friends and write silly starwars stories, so the site definitely holds a sweet spot in my heart- and I know I’ll always have a warm home to come back to in the galaxies <3

Xavier: Arrik and Tessa always receive a lot of praise on this blog, and I can also attest to their warm and friendly natures. I really dont know where i would be if i didnt have the two of them by my side through my time here. Are there any future plans that you have for Adaya? Is there anywhere you want to go with her, any character developments that you want to go through with? (Of course, you don't need to answer this question if you intend for it to be a surprise!)

Adaya: Hmm.. I won’t say too much about what I have planned- since it’s just being tweaked.. But for now, I hear an engagement! Right, Xavier? ;)

Xavier: Right ;). Well then, we shall all wait in anticipation to see what you have planned! You've become very known on the site as one of our Coding Saviours, I should know! Coding can be a challenging skill to learn for beginners, and for people who want to branch away from base codes and begin to create their own. Do you have any advice on developing this skill? I'm all ears, I could use a few tips myself!

Adaya: Haha! I’m honored! Coding is absolutely something you can only pick up with experience and many google searches, so the best thing I can recommend is play around with it as much as possible- code your own PT/BS, play around with templates online, code a bunch of wallposts, and maybe try coding little random things- I remember I coded a image with a circular border, and added little tweaks so it looked like a fish in a fish bowl! Even if you get it wrong and break the code, you’ll still be learning something new!

Xavier: I should be taking that advice myself, haha. I can bend a poor code to my will, but when it comes to coding my own stuff, im hopeless. Thank you for sharing that with us! For newer (or older!) users who want to begin topicing, is there any advice that you would have for them to really immerse themselves?

Adaya: Give yourself a goal, say you wanna do 3 big paragraphs worth! You’ll begin to pick your brain on how to add more words in, how to stretch out your sentences and how to scrape together more detail until there's nothing left to add! And Adaya’s special rule is: Never start your paragraph off with your name, everyone does it!

And that's all of the questions I have today! Thank you, ml, for agreeing to be part of this! 
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