Welcome to the very first edition of Staff Interview! Since it's the first of many a short introduction might be in order. Staff Interview is a weekly blog post where I, Alexander Zimmerman, will be interviewing the lovely staff members of WoG EU! Yay,Finally after so many freaking days (cwl)..
Today I am joined by the one and only Senator, whose hair is a slightly short but beautiful on the site. You probably know her as the Senator of Holocrons or you may remember her as Mama Pumpkin. Either way, give a warm welcome to the Mama Pumpkin, Alois Fall !
Q1.Five Words to Describe Yourself?
A:Creative, Music, Caring, Weird and a bit crazy you know the good kinda crazy?
Q2. What do you like about WoG.eu?
A:I like the people here they re always since if you are in chat and they are a big reason why its a great place to be.
Q3.What is your Life Motto?
A:Never give up. Stuff happens, but just pick yourself up and move on.
Q4.What's the one thing you wouldn't live without in the Star Wars World?
A:Ohh hmmm that’s a hard one well probably my husband (cwl) but if i can’t choose him then i would say my lightsaber.
Q5.You're the Senator of Holocrons. Since that day, what's the most interesting thing that has happened to you?
A:Well...meeting my husband while working and then getting married honestly is the biggest and probably more interesting thing that has happened.
That is all for this time! If you enjoyed this blog post, keep an eye on your notifications again next week where I will be back with a new, yet familiar, face!(Thank you so much :D for allowing me to take your interview)