Kylo Ren Kyber Crystal Question
Was Kylor Ren's Lightsaber the REAL power behind the throne, as it were?

- From : Tessa Alloine

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Errol Septimus

Errol Septimus I am either thrilled by this or horrified. Not sure which yet

Arrikzane Djenn

Arrikzane Djenn I have great respect for my saber, but I don't believe it is sentient...except for the black one...that one - well, there could be some truth to this. Could be why I don't use it over much.

Adaya Devereux

Adaya Devereux hmm.. I would only believe this if my lightsaber grew legs and started battling me! hhehe!

Jayce Syron

Jayce Syron Sentient lightsabers? Hm... I'll have to look into this.

Evelyn Talbott

Evelyn Talbott Oh wow! Sentient lightsabers? That sounds so cool, and slightly weird. I want one (and no worries, it'd be treated with respect)!

Caden Marcellin

Caden Marcellin Sentient lightsabers? Woah! *Examines his red lightsaber curiously*

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