Cade Skywalker Orphanages
Let the life of Cade Skywalker be an example to us all - and a motivation for my orphanage project!

- From : Tessa Alloine

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Caden Marcellin

Caden Marcellin :O Caden? That's me!

Cephas Bolt

Cephas Bolt I mean... the alternative is being accidentally adopted by pirates, so maybe a good quality orphanage could turn lives around? Sounds kind of boring, but hey!

Evelyn Talbott

Evelyn Talbott Oh my! As an orphan myself, until recently, we are in desperate need of good orphanages, not like the one I stayed in until two years ago. I'm not even asking for much, just enough so the children can make it in this world. *hugs her sister, Kaitlyn, protectively* Ooooh, a new topic to stalk! Aww, Dex's Diner being the next theme sounds awesome! I hope to see some great topics!

Tessa Alloine

Tessa Alloine I BEG your pardon! It is an important issue!

Arrikzane Djenn

Arrikzane Djenn I am always surprised where you will find new ways to showcase your 'orphans' obsession

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