Darth Bane Rises Again?
A stolen Sarcophagus, a shady character, a rumor of Darth Bane's ghost - what is happening?!

- From : Tessa Alloine

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Arrikzane Djenn

Arrikzane Djenn Hmmm, that does sound suspicious. Bring it to me and I can help you further

Tessa Alloine

Tessa Alloine Noted, Jayce ;)

Neerago Greguhargh

Neerago Greguhargh Who needs a 2-bit sideshow attraction when theres a WHOLE MALL of comerece to explore? Come to The Vine to have a real day of culture, entertainment, and pleasure galore!

Jayce Syron

Jayce Syron Hm... this sarcophagus does indeed sound interesting. (We should have a plot event involving it.)

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